Сколько получают актеры в сериалах: Стало известно, сколько на самом деле зарабатывают актеры сериала «Очень странные дела»

Стало известно, сколько на самом деле зарабатывают актеры сериала «Очень странные дела»

Ведущий американский еженедельник Variety опубликовал отчет о том, какие гонорары имеют известные актеры, когда появляются в популярных сериалах.

В отчете больше говорится о новых сериалах, которые должны вскоре выйти, но также есть и проекты, которые уже появились на экранах и полюбились многим зрителям. В этом списке можно найти уже популярный сериал «Очень странные дела». Сколько же зарабатывают актеры проекта, появившись в 3 сезоне?

Итак, по данным Variety звезды «Очень странных дел» имеют от проекта такие заработки:

  • Милли Бобби Браун — 350 тысяч за один эпизод
  • Вайнона Райдер — 350 тысяч за один эпизод
  • Дэвид Харбор — 350 тысяч за один эпизод
  • Чарли Хитон — 250 тысяч за серию
  • Наталия Дайер — 250 тысяч за серию
  • Финн Вулфард — 250 тысяч за серию
  • Ноа Шнапп — 250 тысяч за серию
  • Калеб МакЛафлин — 250 тысяч за серию
  • Гейтен Матараццо — 250 тысяч за одну серию
  • Сэди Синк, который присоединился к основному составу во 2 сезоне, получает за эпизод 150 тысяч

Вайнона Райдер является одной из высокооплачиваемых актрис в сериале «Очень странные дела»

Сериал «Очень странные дела» имеет огромную армию фанатов по всему миру. Из-за хороших рейтингов, положительных отзывов критиков и зрителей создатели проекта решили продлить историю, и уже в 2020 году выйдет 4 сезон.

Поклонники уверены, что четвертый сезон не станет последним в фантастической истории. Тем более что и создатели сериала говорили, что проект будет состоять минимум из пяти частей.

А это значит, что с успехом проекта будут прибавляться и финансы актеров.

Сколько зарабатывают актеры популярных сериалов — Рамблер/кино

Сколько зарабатывают актеры популярных сериалов

Кадр из сериала «Анатомия страсти»

Съемочные гонорары актеров популярных сериалов иногда могут превышать доходы тех, кто играет в кино. Все потому, что они работают несколько сезонов, а без ключевых персонажей проект не может продолжаться.

«Игра престолов»

Сколько зарабатывают актеры популярных сериалов

Кадр из сериала «Игра престолов»

Пять актеров, исполняющих главные роли в этом сериале, стали самыми высокооплачиваемыми за всю историю телевидения. Перед съемками седьмого сезона они подписали контракты на гонорар по $2,5 млн за каждый эпизод. Всего было семь серий, значит их гонорар составил $17,5 млн Остается только догадываться, какие зарплаты они получили за съемки в финальном восьмом сезоне.

«Теория большого взрыва»

Сколько зарабатывают актеры популярных сериалов

Кадр из сериала «Теория большого взрыва»

Этот ситком вышел на экраны в 2007 году. Тогда актеры сериала получали скромные гонорары и не претендовали на популярность. До 2017 года исполнители главных ролей получали по $1 млн за эпизод, но потом решили пересмотреть свои гонорары в пользу коллег и подписали контракты на $900 тыс.

«Анатомия страсти»

Раньше актриса Эллен Помпео получала за роль Мередит Грей по $300 тыс. за один эпизод. Перед началом съемок 14 сезона, ее гонорар повысили еще на $100 тыс. Она снимается в этом проекте с 2005 года и получила за свою роль несколько престижных премий, поэтому создатели решили поднять ей зарплату.

«Карточный домик»

Сколько зарабатывают актеры популярных сериалов

Кадр из сериала «Карточный домик»

Главную роль в этом сериале играл Кевин Спейси, но потом его отстранили от съемок из-за обвинений в харрасменте. До всей этой ситуации он зарабатывал $500 тыс. за один эпизод. Его коллега Робин Райт получала на $80 тыс. меньше, но она доказала режиссерам, что ее роль не менее главная и добилась сравнения гонораров. Кстати, именно ее героиня стала заменой Кевину Спейси и теперь только она в центре сюжета.

Видео дня. Артисты, кусавшие локти после отказа от ролей

сколько получают за съемки в 1 эпизоде актеры 10 топовых сериалов? — Рамблер/финансы

Не секрет, что актеры первого эшелона зарабатывают астрономические суммы. Все отлично понимают, что настоящий талант вообще не имеет цены, поэтому баснословные гонорары кажутся оправданными. Больше всех из актеров, сыгравших в сериалах, заработал Дуэйн Джонсон: «Скала» пополнил свой счет на 89 миллионов долларов. Как обстоят дела с заработками у его коллег по цеху?
1. Генри Кавилл, «Ведьмак»

Каждый эпизод делает актера богаче на 400 тысяч долларов. Для того, чтобы сыграть эту уже практически культовую роль, Кавилл усердно готовился — зато и в кадре теперь смотрится совершенно безупречно. Его рабочий день длится 12 часов, гримируют актера еще по 2 часа.

2. Юэль Киннаман, «Видоизмененный углерод»

Участие в одном эпизоде позволяет шведскому актеру положить на свой счет 350 тысяч долларов. Сериал рассказывает о мире через четыре века: люди к тому времени, по замыслу сценаристов, научаются перемещать сознание из одного тела в другое.

3. Милли Бобби Браун, «Очень странные дела»

Гонорар юной актрисы — совершенно взрослый. За свой нелегкий труд девушка получает 350 тысяч за один только эпизод. К слову, ее коллега Вайнона Райдер, получает ровно столько же, хотя справедливо считается одной из лучших исполнительниц в кино нашего времени.
4. Дженнифер Энистон, «Утреннее шоу»
Гонорар Энистон является предметом открытой зависти ее коллег по цеху: всего одна серия приносит актрисе 1,25 миллиона долларов. У Риз Уизерспун, которая снимается вместе с Джен, заработок ровно такой же. К слову, в «Друзьях» зарплата Энистон была аналогичной. Стабильность — признак мастерства.
5. Николь Кидман, «Большая маленькая ложь»

Изначально участие актрисы в одном эпизоде оплачивалось по ставке в 350 тысяч долларов, но с момента выхода в 2017 году «Большая Маленькая ложь» стала настолько популярной, что гонорар Кидман вырос до очень приятной суммы в 1 миллион долларов.

6. Норман Ридус, «Ходячие мертвецы»

Тот же самый вожделенный и недоступный многим миллион долларов получает сейчас и Норман Ридус, хотя изначально участие актера в «Мертвецах» обходилось продюсерам в «жалкие» 90 тысяч долларов за эпизод.

7. Элизабет Мосс, «Рассказ служанки»

Актриса получила «Золотой глобус» за исполнение своей роли — а гонорар за одну серию составляет 1 миллион долларов. На экраны скоро выйдет четвертый сезон: ходят слухи, что расценки для исполнителей главных ролей выросли примерно на четверть.

8. Кей Джей Апа, «Ривердэйл»

Для начинающего актера Кей Джей Апа получает очень прилично: за эпизод он зарабатывает 40 тысяч долларов. Умножим на количество серий и сезонов, и выйдет очень приличная сумма.

9. Дэвид Теннант, «Благие знамения»
За съемки в сериале по одноименному роману Терри Пратчетта и Нила Геймана актер получает 250 тысяч долларов. Шотландец, по слухам, долго упрямился и торговался с продюсерами, но в конце концов согласился в обмен на долгосрочный контракт.
10. Джулия Робертс, «Возвращение домой»

Исполнение роли психолога, которая работает в центре поддержки военнослужащих, приносит бывшей «Красотке» 650 тысяч долларов за один эпизод. История очень понравилась зрителям, поэтому новый сезон будет снят, и гонорар Робертс повысится.

Как вы считаете, актеры оправданно получают такие суммы? Или их аппетиты могли бы быть и поскромнее?

Видео дня. Эксперты прогнозируют рост цен на недвижимость

Сколько зарабатывают звезды фильмов для взрослых — Рамблер/кино

…И те, кто работает по другую сторону камеры. Спойлер: намного меньше, чем думает большинство.

Топовые сериальные актеры зарабатывают, как мы выяснили благодаря свежему рейтингу Forbes, до 1,5 миллиона долларов за серию, гонорар самых высокооплачиваемых голливудских звезд составляет несколько десятков миллионов за роль, ну а «Киноафиша» выясняет, сколько получают актеры третьей и не менее масштабной сферы — фильмов для взрослых.

Если голливудские актрисы регулярно жалуются на то, что их гонорары порой намного ниже, чем у коллег-мужчин, в «соседней» индустрии фильмов для взрослых дела обстоят как раз наоборот.

Средний гонорар актрисы за сцену — 800-1000 долларов, а вот мужчины получают в среднем 500-600 долларов за сцену или даже за весь день.

Доходы женщин в этой индустрии могут доходить до 1,5-2 тысяч за сцену (если актриса пользуется популярностью), а вот самые успешные актеры вряд ли могут рассчитывать на больше, чем 700-900 долларов, и совсем уж в исключительных случаях — 1,5 тысячи.

Для сравнения: в России за одну сцену девушки получают около 100 долларов, мужчины и того меньше — в районе 50 долларов.

Дженна Джеймсон — самая богатая актриса индустрии, чье состояние оценивается в 30 млн долларов

Интересная статистика — сколько зарабатывают те, кто остаются за кадром:

Режиссеры — от 1 до 3 тысяч долларов за фильм

Оператор — 500-700 долларов

Специалист по звуку — 300-400 долларов

Помощник режиссера — 100-250 долларов

Сценаристы — 250-400 долларов

Гримеры — 500 долларов (или 100-150 долларов за каждого гримируемого актера)

Фотографы в киностудии — 500 долларов

Отметим, что обычно съемки фильма занимают 2-4 дня, в редких случаях — от 4 до 8 дней (это такие «блокбастеры» от индустрии фильмов для взрослых).

Сколько зарабатывают женщины

В традиционной киноиндустрии все просто — гонорар актрисы определяется с учетом таких факторов, как ее популярность/известность/«раскрученность», величина роли, общий бюджет фильма и процент этого бюджета, отведенный продюсерами на «зарплаты» актерам.

В этой же индустрии все немного сложнее — потому что факторов, влияющих на гонорар актрисы (ну и актера заодно) намного больше.

Это, например, и опыт, и известность, и даже агентство, представляющее актрис. Разброс гонораров тоже намного выше: суперзвезды здесь зарабатывают даже не в десятки, а в сотни раз больше, чем начинающие актрисы, имен которых еще никто не знает.

По данным CNBC, вот как варьируются средние гонорары актрис:

Средний гонорар актрисы за «традиционную» сцену — 800-1000 долларов в зависимости от бюджета студии

Гонорары топовых звезд за аналогичную сцену — 1500-2000 долларов

Гонорары новичков — от 300 долларов

Гонорары за сцены экстремального содержания — 1800-2500 долларов

Гонорары актеров-мужчин

Неравенство гонораров в этой индустрии работает в обратную сторону — не как в Голливуде: мужчины в фильмах для взрослых получают значительно меньше женщин, и никакого повышения гонораров за самые экстремальные сцены не предусмотрено. Обычно гонорары актеров в таких фильмах — это фиксированная сумма либо за сцену, либо за один съемочный день.

В среднем гонорар мужчин-актеров составляет 500-600 долларов за сцену или съемочный день. Если актер достаточно известный, эта сумма составляет в районе 700-900 долларов. Ну и, наконец, редкие суперзвезды мужского пола получают до 1500 долларов. Короче говоря, для мужчин еще в большей степени, чем для женщин, дело это маловыгодное — и, наверное, можно сказать, что многие снимаются еще и «из любви к искусству».

10 самых богатых звезд фильмов для взрослых

Тера Патрик — 2 место в десятке самых богатых представителей индустрии фильмов для взрослых

С учетом такого неравенства гонораров вряд ли стоит удивляться, что десятка самых богатых звезд индустрии состоит из женщин, которые могут похвастаться неплохим состоянием:

Никки Бенц (36 лет, канадская актриса украинского происхождения) — 1 млн долларов

Аса Акира (32 года) — 1,5 млн
Лиза Энн (46 лет) — 2 млн
Канни Леоне (37 лет, канадская актриса) — 2,5 млн
Саша Грей (30 лет) — 3 млн
Дженна Хейз (36 лет, американская актриса и режиссер) — 3,7 млн
Бри Олсон (32 года) — 5 млн
Джесси Джейн (38 лет) — 8 млн
Тера Патрик (42 года) — 15 млн
Дженна Джеймсон (44 года) — 30 млн
90000 How Much Money Actors Make by Role 90001

Photo Source: Spencer Alexander

90002 Unless your name is Ryan Gosling or Lupita Nyong’o, most of the work you do will be on episodic television. Why? Because there’s a ton of it out there, and those shows need a constant supply of actors. 90003
90002 Not counting series regulars, there are three types of job you can book. I’m going to break them down by size, compensation, and billing-let’s start from the bottom up! 90003
90002 90009 Co-Stars 90010 90011 These are minor characters.They do not have arcs, and their functions are superficial. Think of the uniformed cops at the start of every «Law & Order» episode, the ones who tell the leads about the crime scene and then disappear. Those are co-stars. Sometimes they work one day, sometimes they work more. 90003
90002 Co-stars are hired on a daily contract. The pay is usually scale ($ 1,005) plus 10 percent for the day, but your agent has room to negotiate. And if you’re hired for two days on an episode of «NCIS» and those days are Monday and Wednesday, for example, Tuesday is a hold day, and you get paid for that, too.90003
90002 As for billing, your name will appear in the end titles on a card with a bunch of other actors. The odds are that that card will get squeezed to the side so the network can run clips for the next show. It’s amazing the union allows that. 90003
90002 90009 READ: How to Read Your First Contract 90011 90003
90002 90009 One-Day Guest Stars 90010 90011 Like really good ribs, these parts have more meat on the bone. They’re characters who service the plot while interacting with the leads, but they can also be filmed in a day.Imagine the lead is a disillusioned lawyer who meets his mentor for drinks in a bar. The two of them have an intense conversation in that one location, and the scene runs about four minutes. That mentor character is a one-day guest star. 90003
90002 The rate here is negotiable. I represent established actors who command $ 3,000 for one day of work. I’ve also closed less experienced clients for $ 1,500. It all depends on the performer and the agent’s ability to get things done. 90003
90002 One-day guest stars are billed in the main titles.Those are the credits that appear up front at the start of the episode. You’ll have to share the card, but your agent can negotiate how many actors are placed on that card and what your position will be. 90003
90002 90009 Guest Stars 90010 90011 These roles are the focal point of the plot, and the actors who play them are hired for the entire episode. Sometimes, the character shows up in future storylines and you end up recurring on the series. That means multiple bookings from one audition.90003
90002 The pay is called «top-of-show.» That’s the most a show will pay for a guest actor. On network TV, the rate for a one-hour drama is currently $ 8,624 (eight days of work) and half-hour comedies pay $ 5,390 (five days of work). 90003
90002 Guest stars are billed in the main titles on a separate card. That means it’s just your name on the screen. Sweet, right? 90003
90002 Keep in mind that there are minor deviations to everything I’ve just explained, and rates vary between networks, cable, and streaming services.But these are the basics you need to know. 90003
90002 90042 This story originally appeared in the July 11 issue of Backstage Magazine. Subscribe here. 90043 90003

90002 90009 Ready to get to work? Check out Backstage’s Los Angeles audition listings! 90011 90003

90002 90050 90051 90003

Secret Agent Man

90002 Secret Agent Man is a Los Angeles-based talent agent and our resident tell-all columnist.Writing anonymously, he dishes out the candid and honest industry insight all actors need to hear. 90003

See full bio and articles here!

.90000 What Actors Need to Know About Finances to Make a Living 90001

Photo Source: Illustrations: Adam Lee

90004 It’s no secret that the life of an actor entails sacrifice and struggle. While the most famous actors command some of the biggest paychecks in the world, they are part of a small percentage of working actors. Most actors do not embark on their journey for fame and fortune: they do it for love.But the luckiest actors are the ones who get paid to do what they love. Making a living as an actor is not impossible, but it is very, very difficult, and you’ll have to shift your perspective. Acting is not a steady, salaried gig in which you’ll know exactly how much money you have coming in each week for the next few (or many) years of your life. But with commitment, resourcefulness, drive, budgeting, smart planning, and prioritization, you can join the coveted ranks of working actors. 90003
90004 If you want to know exactly what it takes to make a living as an actor, read on.90003
90002 90003


How can I make the commitment?


90004 The first step to making a living as an actor is making a commitment to yourself. If you want acting to be more than just your hobby, you need to treat it like a job. Acting is not a career you can pursue half-heartedly.You’ll need to focus all your energies and efforts toward your ultimate goal of being a professional actor. 90013 90003
90004 90018 Prowl castings like it’s your job. 90019 Sign up for Backstage and seek out every opportunity you can find. No one will hand you jobs, especially in the beginning. It’s up to you to go out there and find them. 90003
90004 90018 Be the best that you can be. 90019 There’s no shortage of competition for acting jobs. In order to book, you will have to set yourself apart and be at the top of your game.That means taking classes, working on monologues and scenes, keeping abreast of industry trends and news, and keeping your marketing materials up-to-date. 90003
90004 90018 Maximize your skill set. 90019 Identify and hone the special skills and talents that set you apart; they can get you into more audition rooms. Athletic skills like parkour, for instance, are often in demand, as are the ability to play musical instruments and various styles of dance. 90003
90004 90018 Crush the audition.90019 Most actors hate auditioning, but it’s a necessary evil. Our advice? Get good at auditioning. Auditioning is a skill. Think of it as a muscle that you need to warm up, condition, and flex regularly; you can not expect biceps if you do not go to the gym. Instead of seeing auditions as a chore, think of them as a chance to act, to practice for the next, and to make new fans. 90003
90004 90018 Limit yourself to paid work. 90019 It’s impossible to make a living as an actor if you only do unpaid work.Acting is hard work, and as with any job, you deserve to be paid for your time. You are a professional; it’s within your rights to demand to be treated as such. Backstage has a «paid only» filter which you can use to only search for paid gigs. 90003
90004 90018 But do not rule out the occasional unpaid gig if you can afford to. 90019 Not all productions can afford to pay, and some unpaid projects can pay off in unexpected ways. If you see artistic value in the project, think it will help you grow as an actor, believe it is a story that needs to be told, want to add credits to your resume or certain clips to your reel, or have a chance to make promising connections within the industry, it’s not a bad idea to consider the occasional unpaid gig every now and then.Student projects in particular can be an investment, as their films often make it into the festival circuit, and these fledgling directors often have bright futures ahead of them. 90003
90004 90018 Work as much as possible. 90019 Work begets work. Every gig, no matter how small, is part of your journey and offers you the chance to practice your craft, to learn from other members of the community, and to grow your network. Each job could lead to the next. Stay in touch with people you work with.The AD on that student film set might end up snagging a job at a big casting agency in a few years. Be sure to exchange information when you wrap on a gig. 90003
90004 90018 Be a consummate professional. 90019 Unprofessional behavior on set can ruin your chances of being hired again. Word travels fast in the industry. Be on time, know your lines, and do not be a diva. 90003
90004 90018 Network. 90019 Referrals are the oil in the cogs of the industry machine.Directors, casting directors, and other actors prefer to work with people they already know. Go to networking events. You’ll get to meet like minds, and you never know who you might meet. Always carry business cards with you. 90003
90004 90018 Find an agent. 90019 Your agent only makes money if you make money, so it’s in their best interest to push you for high-paying jobs. 90003
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What types of acting jobs are out there?


90004 If you’re reading this page, you likely already have an idea of ​​the type of acting work you entered the industry hoping to do.Maybe you dream of enthralling a full house in a Broadway theater, or long to see yourself on the big screen someday. The traditional conception of an actor is of someone who works in the trifecta of film, television, and theater. And while these jobs certainly abound, there is a whole world of opportunities outside of these fields. Acting is a vast and varied career field that encompasses opportunities you may have never even thought of: many of which pay, and some of which can indeed be quite lucrative.You might find that these jobs help you to support yourself while you audition for those coveted film and theatre productions, or you might enjoy them so much that they could develop into a career path in their own right. Here’s a guide to some of the major types of acting jobs: 90003
90004 90018 Film 90019: Movies are a classic American pastime, and all actors dream of seeing themselves on the big screen. Hollywood is the historical, but no longer undisputed center of filmmaking.Blockbuster movies are great, but there is an incredible range and variety of exciting new independent and short films being made 90094 90003
90004 90018 TV 90019: TV is enjoying a golden age, and actors are reaping the benefits. Shows like Breaking Bad, Lost, and The Sopranos have revolutionized long-form storytelling, which means opportunities abound for fresh new faces to break in. Each episode of a long-running season abounds with opportunities for day players and under-five roles.Landing a plum role on a long-running television show can provide the stability so elusive in the notoriously precarious life of an actor. Series regulars and recurring guest stars have the chance to dive into and develop a character over the course of several seasons. 90003
90004 90018 Web Series 90019: Netflix and Hulu have expanded the realm of television beyond cable, and more and more independent content creators (including proactive actors creating their own opportunities) are bypassing TV gatekeepers to create their own content online.These jobs might not pay much in the beginning, but can gain fan followings (which can translate to additional funding from Kickstarter and Indiegogo campaigns) or get picked up by networks. The Comedy Central smash hit Broad City had its start as a humble, grainy, 2-minute video on YouTube, and HBO star Issa Rae ( «Insecure») was once just an «Awkward Black Girl.» 90003
90004 90018 YouTube 90019: Ever heard of Jenna Marbles? How about Justin Bieber? YouTube has obliterated the traditional roadblocks to stardom by making it possible for anyone to broadcast their talents and gain fan followings in the 7 + digits.Increasingly, casting directors and show creators are looking to YouTube for the Next Big Thing. YouTube fame has launched the careers of actors like Darren Criss, who made the jump from A Very Potter Musical to Glee and comedians Bo Burnham and Lilly Singh. And YouTube stars can rake in millions of dollars a year — as much as an actor on a hit TV show. 90003
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90004 90018 Theater 90019: Perhaps the purest form of acting, theater offers actors the opportunity to bring stories to life on stage in plays and musicals for live audiences.Every actor dreams of being on Broadway, but regional theaters and touring shows hire actors to perform across the country and around the world. 90003
90004 90018 Commercials 90019: We’ve all been swayed into buying products by great commercials, and advertisers are always on the lookout for actors with charisma, charm, and dazzling smiles to help them do so. If you’re lucky, you could make a year’s salary in one TV spot and reap the rewards of residuals for years to come, or (just ask Flo the Progressive Lady).90003
90004 90018 Print 90019: Forget the runway. Print modeling is another often lucrative gig for actors (print modeling jobs seek regular people over traditional runway models). You could see yourself in catalogs, posters, website banners, and other promotional images for businesses and organizations. 90003
90004 90018 Voiceover 90019: We’ve all heard that signature voice in commercials. If you have a compelling voice and a talent for enunciating and emoting, there’s a ton of work out there narrating anything from commercials, audiobooks, videos, documentaries, podcasts and voicing characters in animated films, commercials, video games.90003
90004 90018 Industrials 90019: Companies hire actors to play employees in internal corporate training videos. These videos usually are not circulated outside of the company, but as with anything in the corporate sector, typically pay well. 90003
90004 90018 Hosting 90019: Travel, cooking, fashion, entertainment, science … you could get paid to share your passion for just about any subject as a host for TV shows, radio shows, and websites, as long as you bring your bubbly personality and boundless enthusiasm.90003
90004 90018 Cruise Ship Jobs 90019: Cruise lines hire performers (usually musical theatre) to be in shows as onboard entertainment for their guests. These contracts can last anywhere from a few months (depending on on- and off-seasons) to several years. Grab your passport, and you could be getting paid to act, sing, and dance your way around the world! 90003
90004 90018 Theme Parks 90019: Disney World and Universal Studios have built their empires on creating classic, beloved movie and TV characters, and hire actors to bring those characters to life for children and their families visiting from around the globe.90003
90004 RELATED: 90003

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What other ways can I use my acting skills?


90004 Do not underestimate your employability and experience as an actor: you possess skills that are highly sought after by employers, among them empathy, performance, public speaking, communication, and emotional intelligence.Here are some jobs outside the entertainment industry that specifically seek out actors. 90003
90004 90018 Standardized Patient 90019: Medical schools and hospitals specifically seek out actors to play patients in training simulations. Typically, you’ll play a role according to a character breakdown provided by the school, memorize the case history, improvise patient-practitioner interactions, and evaluate students and give feedback on their bedside manner and information gathering skills.90003
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90004 90018 Law: 90019 Courts and law firms hire actors to play witnesses and jury members to do a «trial run» of the different ways in which cases may play out. 90003
90004 90018 Business: 90019 Many companies hire actors to conduct internal trainings for their employees to practice and hone their corporate communication and presentation skills. 90003
90004 90018 Children’s Party Performers 90019: Remember when you were a kid and wanted Batman or a Disney princess at your party? Now it’s your chance to fulfill your own childhood dream of playing these iconic characters and brighten up children’s ‘special days while you’re at it.Children’s party companies also seek actors with skill in clown performance and magic shows. 90003
90004 90018 Educational Theater: 90019 Some theater companies tour the country performing at schools and colleges to raise awareness for and educate young adults on causes like the environment, women’s rights, and social justice. 90003
90004 90018 Teaching Acting 90019: What could be more fulfilling than sharing your passion for the craft with young minds? You can teach acting at just about any level, from young preschoolers just having fun to serious actors in BFA, MFA, conservatory programs, or classes.90003
90004 90018 Promotional Modeling: 90019 Actors are sought after by companies looking for attractive, friendly people to help raise awareness of their brands. You may be handing out product samples or flyers on the street, staffing events, or approaching potential customers at stores. 90003
90004 90018 Tradeshows: 90019 These jobs entail manning booths at industry shows and representing a company or brand, possibly doing demonstrations, and educating and networking with potential clients and other professionals in the industry.90003
90004 RELATED: 90003


How can I appreciate the hustle?


90002 90239 While there is a lot of work out there, there are also a lot of actors out there. Competition is stiff, and there are always a whole host of reasons why you might not book a given job.And even though each gig you book is a victory, acting gigs tend to be short-lived, lasting anywhere from a day to a few weeks. It is extremely rare as an actor to be working every week of the year, let alone every day. Constant hustling for your next gig is part of an actor’s lifestyle. Acting is not like other jobs, where you put in a few years and steadily move up the corporate ladder as you gain qualifications and experience. Even very established actors may have dry spells. Understand that the life of an actor is unpredictable, and accept both the ebb and the flow.90003
90004 Some types of jobs offer more long-term stability than others. Regional theater contracts can last anywhere from four weeks. You’ll get paid a weekly rate for rehearsals and shows, and either be given a stipend or provided housing. Long-running Broadway shows like «The Phantom of the Opera» offer performers the opportunity to be steadily employed, though schedules of eight performances a week can get exhausting and lead to burnout. TV, as a longform storytelling medium, offers perhaps the best opportunity for ongoing work.Of course, the dream is to land a series regular role on a pilot that gets picked up and runs on the air for several years. 90003
90004 RELATED: 90003


How can I budget as an actor?


90004 Because of the unpredictable, feast or famine nature of the industry, some months you may be rolling in dough, and other months you may not make a dime.Making a steady living in an industry built upon short-term contracts and set timelines can be both psychologically and financially taxing, but some smart financial planning and budgeting can help tide you over during the lean months. 90003
90004 The great irony is that despite the financially sporadic nature of an actor’s income, acting is an expensive business. And if you want to be a professional actor, you’ll have to be willing to invest in your career. 90003
90004 Here are some non-negotiable career-related costs that you will have to factor into your budget: 90003
90016 Headshot printing 90021
90016 Resume printing 90021
90016 Personal website fees 90021
90016 Casting website fees 90021
90016 Classes and workshops 90021
90004 Of course, cost can and should factor into your process of shopping around for photographers and classes, but quality often correlates with higher prices.And since acting is quite heavily appearance-based, you may have to factor in regular grooming expenses (makeup, hairstyling), character-specific and audition-appropriate wardrobe items, and your gym membership. However, there is no shortage of free workshops and events, it costs nothing to practice monologues and scenes on your own or with friends, and many acting schools also offer work / study or exchange programs. 90003
90004 You may have to cut back in other areas of your life to support your career as an actor.Make a list of yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily costs. After essentials like rent and food, keep a tally of how much you can afford to spend on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis, and always be sure to set aside some of your income for savings. Then make a tally of these non-negotiable expenses and factor in how much you can realistically afford to spend on each. 90003
90004 RELATED: 90003

90002 WATCH: 90003
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How can I prepare my taxes as an actor?


90004 90282 Actors are treated by the IRS as independent contractors, rather than employees of particular companies, which means you’ll have to file as such.Since your income will likely come from various sources, keep an organized file of each W-2 or тисяча дев’яносто дев’ять you receive per gig. The difference between a W-2 and a 1099 is that W-2s have taxes automatically taken out, while 1099s have taxes taken out later. You can choose to do your taxes yourself, and there are many resources like TurboTax that can make the process easier. But it’s equally valid to feel overwhelmed by the and want to save yourself the headache by going to a professional. 90003
90004 To reduce your taxable income as an actor, there are certain expenses you can deduct, with the provision that they are necessary, reasonable, not excessive, and directly related to your acting career (keep your receipts).Here’s a list of deductible expenses for actors: 90003
90016 Promotional expenses: headshots, website fees, subscription fees (including Backstage) 90021
90016 Tickets to films, theater, and other research 90021
90016 Transportation expenses going to and from jobs and auditions 90021
90016 Union dues 90021
90016 Agent fees 90021
90016 Expenses incurred on the job 90021
90016 Meals (the maximum you can deduct is 50%) 90021
90016 Insurance (which is 100% deductible for self-employed contractors, including actors) 90021
90004 RELATED: 90003


Why should I join a union?


90004 90309 90003
90004 If you want to make a living as an actor long-term, it’s a good idea to eventually join the union respective to the medium in which you want to work.SAG-AFTRA is the major union for film and TV actors, while theatre actors should consider joining the Actors ‘Equity Association (AEA). Why should you join a union? Being a member of a union entitles you to health insurance, pension and retirement plans, labor protections, minimum rates, job resources, career development, crisis support, and other benefits. Joining can also give you a leg up for future career prospects. SAG projects, especially commercials, pay much higher rates than non-union projects, and Equity members get first dibs on sign ups for Equity Principal Auditions, which means you get an actual appointment time as opposed to having to line up at 7 am and still not get seen.90003
90004 RELATED: 90003


How can I find financial stability?


90004 No matter how hard you hustle and how many jobs you book, you will inevitably find yourself in lulls without acting work. Even actors at the top of their game are not immune to dry spells. It’s important to have a stable source of income outside of acting, so you do not have to rely on the notorious unpredictability of booking jobs in order to pay your rent.You do not want to walk into every audition room carrying the baggage of, «I need to book this job because I have $ 0.01 in my bank account!» Financial stress can also be a drain on your artistic energies. It’s hard to focus on telling a story and building a character if you’re distracted by your anxiety about how you’re going to put food on the table. 90003
90004 Survival jobs keep you going while you pursue your true career. An ideal survival job is flexible enough to let you go on auditions (or one you can pick up in the interim between gigs if you have to leave for weeks at a time for shows), well-paying enough to cover your basic expenses (and a bit more to cover your acting expenses and allow you to save and enjoy life), and ideally, allows you to do something you enjoy.Of course, you may not love it as much as acting, but you need to sustain yourself through the cycles of auditions and short-term gigs until you can make a living as an actor. If you’re drained from dealing with rude customers all day, your art will suffer. 90003
90004 RELATED: 90003


How can I have patience and love the journey?


90002 Being an actor is no doubt a difficult path.But it’s above all an inner calling. Actors act for the love of telling stories, of sharing experiences and discovering new ones, of being able to connect with and inspire people. To be able to make a living while doing that is a blessing. If you want to make a living as an actor, you have to believe in yourself, keep going through the rough patches, and refuse to give up. It’s a marathon, not a race. 90003

90002 90018 And if you have not yet been cast, check out Backstage’s 90019 90018 audition listings 90019 90018! 90019 90003

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