100 участников в группе: 100% [Биография] — Информация об исполнителях

Группа 100%, список дорам. Сортировка по популярности

Бывшие участники: 

Дата рождения: 7.10.1993

Позиция в группе: танцор, рэпер

Дата рождения: 23.12.1993

Позиция в группе: макнэ, вокалист, рэперМин У (Со Мин У / Seo Min Woo / 서민우) 

Дата рождения: 08.02.1985

Дата смерти: 25.03.2018

Позиция в группе: лидер группы, вокалист
Дата смерти: 25 марта 2018 от сердечного приступа

Неактивные участники: 

Чан Ён — служит в армии с 15.07.2019

Рок Хён — служит в армии с 15.07.2019

Джон Хван  — служит в армии с 22.07.2019

Хёкджин — служит в армии с 26.08.2019

100% — южнокорейский боиз-бэнд, состоящий из семи участников. Каждый участник отбирался непосредственно руководителем лейбла.
Чтобы познакомить зрителей с будущей группой, 100% приняли участие в совместном шоу с товарищами по лейблу, группой Teen Top. «TEEN TOP Popularity 100%» стартовало летом 2012 года, в нем две группы соревновались между собой.
Молодые люди так же снялись в клипе группы Teen Top «Be ma girl».
18 сентября состоялся релиз дебютного сингла группы, под названием «We, 100%». В тот же день вышел клип на заглавный трек «Bad Guy».
Официальный дебют 100% состоялся 20 сентября 2012 года на музыкальной программе канала KBS «Music Bank».
25 октября группа выпустила клип на второй трек дебютного сингла «Still Again». Молодые люди сами написали сценарий, подобрали костюмы и срежиссировали клип сняв его в юмористическом жанре.

23 мая вышел первый мини-альбом группы, под названием «Real 100%», в него вошли пять треков с заглавной композицией «Want U Back», на которую был представлен клип. С этим камбэком группа показала новый для себя образ — сексуальных парней.
В ноябре группа представила зрителям свой новый проект — подгруппу «100% V», где буква «V» обозначает: «victory» — «победа», «voice» — «голос». Подгруппа состоит из: трех главных вокалистов Rocky, JongHwan, HyukJin и рэпер ChanYong.
20 ноября 100% V выпустили одноименный дебютный сингл и клип на заглавный трек «Missing you».

100% / 백퍼센트 — Азияпоиск



В 2009-м РокХён дебютировал в группе JUMPER под сценическим именем «Рокки» (로키). Группа состояла из Рокки и Донмина, трейни T.O.P Media. Они записали дебютный трек «YES!» совместно с Эриком (Shinhwa) и второй сингл с участием Ji-young (Kara). После чего JUMPER распались. 
Мину дебютировал в 2006 году как актер. После трех лет его актерской деятельности T.O.P Media предложили ему изменить карьеру. После большого количества отказов он согласился и начал переподготовку в качестве певца, в течении 3,5 лет. 
До дебюта, в 2011 году ребята появлялись на сцене в Lotte World, исполняя песни других k-pop артистов. 
Первым появлением 100% на телевидение было шоу «Teen Top Rising 100%», где они снимались совместно с артистами T.O.P Media — Teen Top и Энди. Эфир шоу длился с 16 июня по 18 августа 2012 года. 


После последовал официальный дебют. Два видео тизера были выпущены 14 и 16 сентября на официальном канале YouTube. Релиз самого клипа состоялся 20 сентября, в тот же день был выпущен первый сингл «WE, 100%». На программах Music Core, Music Bang, M!Coundown, Inkigayo шел активный промоушен. 
Канал MBC провел вторую пресс конференцию в рамках нового сезона шоу «Teen Top Rising 100%», которое они пустили в эфир через три дня. 
4 декабря на официальном канале Youtube выходит тизер на новый сингл группы “Guy Like Me”, через три дня клип и сингл были выпущены. Песня была написана композиторами Minigun и Super Changddai, которые так же написали все трэки «WE, 100%». 

15 мая 100% опубликовали на своем официальном сайте два загадочных фото, демонстрируя свой «шоколадный пресс». Позже было объявлено о возвращение группы «2013.05.23». Через пять дней на официальной странице фейсбук были опубликованы индивидуальные концепт фото каждого участника. После T.O.P Media выпустили превью всех трэков предстоящего мини-альбома, после чего запустили в сеть два видео тизера. Релиз мини-альбома «Real 100%» и клипа к заглавной песне «Want U Back» состоялся 23 мая. 

17 июля 2013 года, T.O.P Media объявило официальное название фанклуба 100% через официальное фанкафе группы. Имя фандома, PERFECTION (퍼펙션), означает, что 100% и их фанаты вместе представляют собой идеальное сочетание. 

14 ноября 2013, T.O.P Media опубликовало информацию о том, что вокал-лайн (РокХён, ЧжонХван и ХёкДжин) вместе с рэпером ЧанЁном, дебютируют в подгруппе (саб-юните) под названием 100% V. 15 ноября вышел первый тизер, демонстрирующий концепцию дебютного альбома, а 18 ноября на yt-канале 100% появился второй тизер к клипу. 20 ноября 2013 группа выпустиласингл-альбом, состоящий из 3 дорожек, с заглавным трэком 퇴근길 (Missing You), и клип, главную роль в котором исполнил актер Хен У (현우; Kim Hyun Woo). Первое выступление 100% V состоялось на KBS Music Bank. 

28 февраля 2014 агентство объявило на официальном сайте и фанкафе 100% о том, что 4 марта лидер МинУ отправится а армию для прохождения службы. 
3 марта T.O.P Media сообщили, что макнэ СанХун, возьмет отпуск на некоторое время, пока не решит, чем он будет заниматься в будущем. 
Таким образом, только пять мемберов 100% продолжили деятельность, и выпустили второй мини-альбом «BANG the BUSH» и музыкальное видео к заглавному трэку «심장이 뛴다 (Beat)», релиз которых состоялся 17 марта 2014. 

С 27 по 30 июня на официальном YT было выпущено 5 индивидуальных летних бойфренд-тизера:ДжонХван, ЧанЁн, ХёкДжин, ЧанБом, РокХён. А следом, помимо фото-тизеров к предстоящему камбэку, также был выпущен тизер к клипу на заглавную песню. Также 100% не забыли оставить видео-сообщение для фанатов. 
7 июля 2014 года состоялся релиз спешл сингла 100% ‘Cool Summer Album «SUNKISS»‘, в который вошло 3 композиции (включая интро) с заглавным трэком «니가 예쁘다 (U beauty)». В тот же день вышел официальный клип. За время этого промоушена 100% порадовали своих фанатов акустической версией «U beauty», танцевальной версией клипа, а также дэнс практик видео и традиционным неофициальным клипом на песню «Summer Hero (썸머 히어로)»                                                                                                                                                                             (с)  https://vk.com/ruperfection

Скончался лидер группы 100% Со МинУ

26 марта TOP Media сообщили, что участник группы 100% и ее лидер Со МинУ скончался. По некоторым сообщениям причиной смерти стал сердечный приступ. Он покинул этот мир в возрасте 33 лет.

Их официальное заявление переведено ниже:

  • «Это TOP Media.
    Мы приносим извинения за то, что вы получили эту внезапную и душераздирающую новость.
    Наш артист 100% МинУ покинул нас 25 марта.
    Он был найден без пульса у себя дома в Каннам. Как приехала скорая, он был объявлен мертвым.
    Его семья, участники 100%, артисты-коллеги агентства TOP Media, и сотрудники подавлены горем и в трауре из-за неожиданных печальных новостей.
    Как самый старший участник группы МинУ стал лидером группы и от всего сердца любил фанатов, поскольку он был добросердечным.
    Из-за того, что все, кто знает Мину, знакомы с добросетой и лояльностью, печаль еще больше.
    Его похороны будут проводиться тихо по пожеланию его семьи.
    Мы выражаем наши самые глубокие соболезнования».

Мы выражаем искренние соболезнования его семье и друзьям. Да упокоится он с миром.

Последнее интервью Мину из 100% привлекает внимание

После печальных известий о безвременной кончине лидера 100% Мину 25 марта последнее появление и интервью айдола на крупной вещательной станции — в «The Unit» KBS2 — обратило внимание.

См. также: Воссоединение Тэкена и Ынчжон с момента дорамы «Dream High»

Еще в ноябре на «The Unit» все 5 участников 100% прослушивались в поытке «перезагрузки». Мину сказал судьям / наставникам: «Мы 100% недавно отметили нашу 5-ю годовщину. Немногие знают о нас, но все же мы чувствовали, что самое большое счастье для нас всегда было в состоянии стоять на сцене, поэтому мы взяли на себя этот вызов», как причину группового прослушивания для программы.

100% затем исполнили TVXQ «O- 正. 反. 合», в результате чего только Рокхен получил право перейти в следующий раунд.

Аналогичным образом, многие пользователи сети вспоминают финальный видеоролик Мину до его смерти, который был 24 января. Наряду с простым видео о себе, наслаждающемся пейзажем снега, Мину написал: «Идя на прогулку в лес по снегу. «Это супер мило» (я имею в виду тебя) ». # 100% #Мину #СоМину #ЧоНари_Позирую_КакФотограф # Все в порядке, если вы хотите показать это людям и похвастаться тем, что это из романтического интереса к его отпуску».

Идол группа 100% вернется на сцену в составе 5 участников, без МинУ и СанХуна

Состоявшая из 7 участников, идол группа 100% в скором времени вернется на сцену в составе 5 участников, как сообщает их агентство на официальном сайте группы.

TOP Media раскрыли, что участники Рокхён, Чонхван, ЧанЁн, Чанбом и Хёкчжин, в настоящее время готовятся к возвращению группы, запланированное на середину марта, с новым альбомом. Они будут выступать в составе 5 человека, после того как лидер Мину 4 марта отправится служить в армию, а макнэ Санхун покинет группу по личным причинам. В послании TOP Media говорится: «Самый младший участник 100%, Санхун, примет решение о своей дальнейшей деятельности после небольшого отдыха. Мы просим поклонников поддержать Санхуна и его решение«.

Послание завершается такими словами: «Мы просим заинтересованности в промоушене грядущего нового альбома 100%. Спасибо«.

источник: soompi

6 к-поп групп, которые должны были дебютировать с большим количеством участников

Эти айдолы были почти членами других групп!

Многие группы к-поп проходят долгий и обширный тренировочный период с различными перетасовками участников, прежде чем они дебютируют. Иногда стажеры покидают компанию, в которой они тренируются, чтобы дебютировать с другой компанией и другой группой. Давайте посмотрим на некоторые из этих групп, которые прошли через различные тасования участников до их возможного дебюта.

Хёнсын (ранее BEAST)

BIGBANG изначально состояла из 6 человек. Шестым был никто иной, как Хёнсын, и он провел много лет обучения с другими участниками. Однако перед их дебютом Хёнсын был удален из группы. Ян Хен Сок заявил в документальном фильме «Big Bang», что это потому, что мимика Хёнсына недостаточно развита.

Хёнсын присоединился к Cube Entertainment и дебютировал с BEAST, в то время как BIGBANG продолжили работу в группе из 5 человек. Однако 6 оригинальных участников все еще близки. Они встречаются иногда и поддерживают свою дружбу!

Миён [(G) I-DLE]

До своего дебюта в BLACKPINK было 5 человек. Миён, их пятая участница, была стажером в YG Entertainment в течение 5 лет. Отчеты показывают, что Миён была удалена из группы из-за непредвиденных обстоятельств, она покинула YG Entertainment Хотя причина ее отъезда неясна, слухи указывают на то, что она была удалена из группы из-за знакомства с Чон Чжин Хеном, участником Mix & Match (программа прослушивания, которая сформировала iKON).

В течение нескольких лет Миён взяла перерыв от занятий музыкой, пока не получил предложение от Cube Entertainment. С тех пор она дебютировала с (G) I-DLE, а BLACKPINK дебютировали как группа из 4 человек. Миён показала, что 5 первоначальных членов остаются близкими. Девочки из BLACKPINK даже отправили Миён сообщение поздравления, когда она наконец дебютировала!

3. iKON

До того, как iKON дебютировали с 7 участниками, YG Entertainment имела группу из 9 ребят, которые были кандидатами в эту группу. Стажеры в конечном итоге участвовали в программе выживания Mix & Match, где обучаемые были друг против друга, чтобы узнать, есть ли у них то, что нужно для дебюта. Одним из этих 9 стажеров был Хонсок, который в настоящее время является членом PENTAGON.

В финале шоу Хонсок был исключен из группы. Он закончил тем, что оставил YG Entertainment, и присоединился к Cube Entertainment, чтобы стать членом PENTAGON. Хонсок заявил в различных интервью, что он был благодарен за свое время с iKON, потому что он научили его работать больше, чтобы добиться своей мечты.

Чон Чжин Хен

Другой член, который должен быть удален из iKON, является спорным стажером Чон Чжин Хен. Один из 9 конечных стажеров, конкурирующих на Mix & Match, Чжинхен в конечном итоге был исключен из группы.

Спекуляция указывает на то, что он был удален из YG Entertainment из-за знакомства со стажером YG Миён, которая должна была стать пятым членом BLACKPINK.

4. EXO

펜타곤 진호가 11일 오전 서울 여의도 KBS 신관 공개홀에서 열린 KBS2 ‘뮤직뱅크'(뮤뱅) 리허설애 참석해 포즈를 취하고 있다. 2018.5.11./뉴스1

Джинхо из PENTAGON ранее был стажером в SM Entertainment. Он присоединился к SM после победы в конкурсе в 2008 году и был частью проектной группы SM The Ballad в 2010 году вместе с Джей Кимом из TRAX, Джонхеном из SHINee и Кюхеном из Super Junior.

Поскольку он был одним из наиболее известных участников в SM на то время, он должен был стать 13-м членом EXO. По неизвестным причинам, однако, Джинхо не дебютировал с группой в 2012 году. Не зная своего будущего с SM Entertainment, Джинхо решил покинуть компанию. Он был подхвачен Cube Entertainment и в итоге стал членом PENTAGON.

Джонни (NCT)

Джонни из NCT был еще один стажером, который первоначально должен был дебютировать с EXO в качестве возможного 13 — го члена. Он присоединился к SM Entertainment в 2008 году и тренировался вместе с другими членами EXO, поэтому он так близок со многими членами EXO.

По неизвестным причинам Джонни не был включен в финальную линейку EXO. Однако он остался с SM Entertainment, и в итоге дебютировал с NCT. Многие фанаты считают, что он лучше подходит для NCT, потому что он дает ему больше возможностей для процветания!

5. 2NE1
Бохён (SPICA)

Прежде чем Бохён стала членом SPICA, она была стажером в YG Entertainment. Она тренировалась, чтобы быть частью 2NE1 в течение 2 лет, прежде чем Ян Хён Сок решил дебютировать группу с 4 участниками, вместо 5. Ян Хен Сок пояснил, что у Бохён не хватает таланта, чтобы это сделать.

Бохён все еще поддерживает тесные отношения с девушками из 2NE1. Ее дружба особенно близка к Минзи, и двое даже объединились!

Дженни (DIA)

Дженни из DIA была первоначально в окончательном составе для GFRIEND, как один из «вижуалов» группы. Первоначально для 7 членов, Дженни была 1 из 2 членов, которые решили покинуть группу прямо перед дебютом. Дженни ушла, чтобы присоединиться к MBK Entertainment, что вызвало Source Music для поиска новых участников.

Дженни в конечном итоге дебютировала с DIA в то время как GFRIEND повторно перетасовали своих членов и успешно дебютировали. По сей день многие пользователи сети задаются вопросом, что бы произошло, если бы Дженни дебютировала с GFRIEND, так как у группы нет набора «вижуалов».

Ян Юн Джин

Другой бывший член GFRIEND, Ян Юн Джин должна была быть другим «вижуалом» из группы. Хотя точные причины непонятны, она оставила исходный 7-членный состав GFRIEND прямо перед их дебютом, заставив GFRIEND пройти через тасовку участника.

После ее ухода из группы Юджин была замечен в группе «Heart». Хотя группа дебютировала в 2016 году с синглом «Jooruruk», они с тех пор были на перерыве.

сморите также: 8 ситуаций в к-попе, которые неприятны фанатам

Поиск ТОП групп Вконтакте

Поиск ТОП групп Вконтакте

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90000 How to add more than 100 members in WhatsApp Group? 90001

90002 As well all know that WhatsApp is coming with a Calling Feature soon, Yesterday in a post I explained you «How to enable WhatsApp Call Feature without getting an invite» and today WhatsApp has found a patch for that and that trick has stopped working. Today is something which is often required by many marketers / large group students or any other large online community. 90003
90002 90005 Since WhatsApp makes communication easy and faster most of the online communities are thinking to settle on WhatsApp but one limitation of not being able to add more than 100 members in groups stop them to connect on WhatsApp.Previously WhatsApp allowed only groups with 50 members, However the size was increased to 100 after the Facebook-WhatsApp acquisition. However, 100 is also a small number when it comes to large groups which has more than 500 members. 90003
90002 So what can they do? They can obviously go with the various WhatsApp Mods available but then like WhatsApp banned the users for using WhatsApp Plus. The same might be the case. So while trying to enable the call feature yesterday I found a way to add more than 100 participants / members in a WhatsApp Group.Yes! More than 100! Are you shocked? Do not be let’s begin with the steps to add more than 100 members in WhatsApp group so that you can widen your Groups in case you are having large number of people. 90003
90009 How to Add More Than 100 Members in WhatsApp Group [Breaking the Limit] 90010
90002 Before beginning with the steps let me tell you that you will be able to add more than 100 members in any WhatsApp group you are an Admin of, To cross the limit of 100 members in WhatsApp, there are something which you will require, Oh ! No extra software or hardware device, just simple changes would work.Below are the things required: 90003
90014 Latest WhatsApp Installed (Since I’ve tried it with the latest version, I would recommend this) 90015
90014 Root Powered File Explorer (ES File Explorer) 90015
90014 Rooted Android Phone. 90015
90002 If you are having all of these things ready with you then lets begin with the steps so that without wasting a minute you can widen your circles and can add more members to your existing circles to make them a part of the group. 90003
90023 Step 1: Open File Explorer (Used ES File Explorer Here) 90024
90002 The first and the foremost thing you will need to do with the ES File Explorer is, you need to enable the «Root Explorer» Option in it, To enable the root explorer in ES File Explorer, Just Open it and swipe from left and enable the Root Explorer by giving access to the superuser.In case you are confused with enabling root explorer just follow the sequence shown in the Image below. 90026 90003
90023 Step 2: Open the below shown Folder and Edit the WhatsApp_Preferences. 90024
90002 So once you’ve given proper access to the Root Explorer and have enabled root explorer then lets begin with the Editing WhatsApp_Preferences File. So navigate to the following Directory: 90031 data / data / com.whatsapp / shared_prefs / com.whatsapp_preferences.xml 90032 and edit the 90031 com.whatsapp_preferences.xml 90032 file. Did not get the proper location? did not find the file? Follow the below image to reach the correct destination. 90003
90002 90037 90003
90023 Step 3: Edit the WhatsApp_Preferences.xml File using the Editor. 90024
90002 Once you reach the above mentioned location, what you have to do is modify the WhatsApp_Prefrences.xml file, Below is the part of the file which you will have to modify so that you can add more than the existing whatsapp group limit. Look for 90003
90002 90031 «int name =» participants_size_limit «value =» 100 «90032 and replace the 100 by the maximum number of members / participants you would like to have in your Group, Here I’ve replaced by 1000 because I want 1000 members in the WhatsApp Group, You can keep the number depending on your needs.After changing it, save the file and close it. 90003
90002 90048 90003
90002 Now go to the App Manager and Force Close WhatsApp. After force closing come back to WhatsApp and Turn it on and now create a group and add members, you will see that the member limit which was previously 100 has raised to the number you entered in the maximum participants in the code. 90003
90002 90053 90003
90002 That’s all folks, Now you can add as many people you want in your WhatsApp Group. At the end I would like to tell this is a trick which I came across while testing some stuff.This information is just for information purpose. Neither Droidmen nor the Author would be responsible for any problems if they take place. 90003
90002 P.S: This trick no more works, WhatsApp has patched it. 90003
90002 {adinserter 1} 90003

.90000 Group Chats on Telegram 90001

90004 90005 Telegram groups 90006 are a powerful tool for building communities and can support up to 90005 200,000 90006 members each. 90009
90004 Friends and families use groups to share photos and plans, teams and businesses to coordinate their work, massive ICOs to answer questions and keep in touch with their investors. Telegram has many features that make communication in groups easy no matter their size or purpose. 90009
90013 90014 Replies 90015
90004 To reply to a 90005 specific message 90006 in a group chat, simply swipe left on it, type your text and hit ‘Send’.If you tap on the quote in a message that is a reply, the app scrolls up to the original message — and shows an arrow button to go back to the previous location. This makes navigating conversations in groups easy even if you’ve been away for a while. 90009
90004 The person you replied to will be notified about your message even if they muted the group chat — their notification settings for you 90021 personally 90022 apply in this case. 90009
90013 90014 Mentions 90015
90004 If you want several people within a group chat to get instantly involved in the conversation, you may 90005 mention 90006 them in a message.They will be notified about your message, even if they muted the group chat — unless they’ve muted you personally, of course! 90009
90013 90014 Reply / Mention alerts 90015
90004 In busy groups, you can get new mentions or replies many times during a day — and it’s important not to miss those messages. So whenever this happens, you’ll notice straight away by the 90005 ‘@’ 90006 badge in the chat list: 90009

90004 When you have new replies / mentions in a group, you can instantly reach them by tapping the new 90005 ‘@’ 90006 button when inside the chat.This button will disappear once you’ve read all the relevant messages (you can also use a long tap on the button to quickly mark them as read). 90009
90013 90014 Supersize that 90015
90004 Groups are ideal for sharing stuff with friends and family or collaboration in small teams. But they can also host very large communities — in fact, up to to 90005 200,000 members 90006 can join any group. We have plenty of admin tools to help admins keep the peace in these virtual cities. 90009
90004 90005 Hint: 90006 If you’re doing something massively popular, consider creating a 90005 channel 90006.Channels are a tool for broadcasting 90021 public 90022 messages to large audiences, and can have an 90005 unlimited 90006 number of subscribers. 90009
90013 90014 Pinned Messages 90015
90004 Group admins can inform all members about important news using 90005 pinned messages 90006 that are displayed at the top of the chat screen. All members will get a notification — even if they muted ordinary messages from the group. 90009

90004 A pinned message 90009

90004 Groups admins can always edit pinned messages.This means your pinned message can contain an up to date list of links to important messages or other channels and groups. 90009

90013 90014 Invite Links 90015
90004 It’s easy to move your existing group chats to Telegram without any hassle. Simply send your friends an 90005 invite link 90006. As soon as they get Telegram, they can instantly join your Telegram group just by following that link. 90009
90004 To get the link, first create a group on Telegram, then head to the ‘Add participant …’ section and tap ‘Invite to Group via Link’.90009


90013 90014 Public groups 90015
90004 If you want a friendlier-looking link, groups can become 90005 public 90006 and get a short link, like t.me/publictestgroup. This way, anybody can view the group’s entire chat history and join to post messages. 90009

90004 A public group 90009

90013 90014 Message links 90015
90004 You can copy links to 90005 individual messages 90006 inside public groups. Anyone will be able to see them by opening their 90097 t.me 90098 link — no Telegram account required. Tweet with confidence! 90009
90013 90014 Better With Bots 90015
90004 90005 Bots 90006 further extend the potential power of groups, making 90005 anything 90006 possible — from automated moderation to games, payments and beyond. 90009
90013 90014 Admin Tools 90015
90004 To help maintain order in your community, you can add admins with specific sets of privileges. Choose who among your trusted admins will be able to add new users, manage messages, block members, edit group info, or even add new admins.90009

90004 Admin rights 90009

90116 90014 Partial Bans 90118
90004 Admins who do not want to completely ban members from their groups can partially restrict their rights in order to stop behavior that’s causing problems. You can put nasty users into read-only mode or maybe stop them from sending stickers or media for a certain period of time. You can do all of this with absolute precision: 90009

90004 Partial bans 90009

90004 Even robots can get in on the fun. With Bot API version 3.1, you can use admin bots to automatically impose temporary or permanent bans based on member actions. Check out the docs here to start building your robotic police force today. 90009
90116 90014 Recent Admin Actions 90118
90004 When multiple admins are working with one group, it’s easy to get confused about which admin did what and when (or which admin bot has gone Skynet on your members). That’s why we’ve added a «Recent Actions» section to the admins page. This section stores a log of all service actions taken in the group in the last 48 hours and is visible to admins only.90009

90004 Recent admin actions 90009

90004 Precise filters 90009

90004 Recent actions in groups also show messages that were deleted in the last 48 hours and the original versions of edited messages for the same period, so nasty behavior like self-deleted spam will no longer help anyone escape the admins ‘wrath. 90009
90013 90014 Stickers of the Group 90015
90004 Large groups with 100 members and more can choose an official sticker set for all the members of the group to see and use while they’re chatting in the group — without the need of adding it to their panels.90009

90004 Group Stickers 90009
.90000 101 Ways To Get New Members For Your Organization 90001 90002 90003 90004 90002 Something I often hear from organizations I’ve worked with is that increasing membership is one of their biggest challenges. 90004 90002 However, it can be hard to know how to do it. 90004 90002 Which ways will actually help you attract new members … and which ideas are just a bust? 90004 90002 That’s why I put together this guide, which features real-life examples from other small membership organizations.90004 90002 I’ve included over 100 ideas that your club, association, or nonprofit can use to attract new members — many of which I’ve seen used to great success throughout my time at Wild Apricot. 90004 90002 90004 90002 Watch this video to get a few ideas, or read on to learn more. 90004 90002 90004 90021 90022 90002 Here are all the categories, in case you want to skip through to a particular section: 90004 90002 Or, just keep reading to see every way I’ve seen used to increase membership — and how you can use them too! 90004 90002 90004 90029 90030 90031 Get Help from Current Members 90032 90033 90034 90002 90036 Host a «bring a friend» meeting 90037 90003 Encourage members to bring someone.This could even be a recurring event so that new members are continually bringing new friends! 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Reach out to former members 90037 90003 Some people might be ready to come back. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Encourage members to share your newsletter 90037 90003 Especially if they’re featured in it! 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Invite members ‘families to events 90037 90003 Spouses, siblings, parents, and (grown-up) children are all potential members (depending on the type of membership you offer).90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Help members develop an «elevator speech» about their membership 90037 90003 Why are they members? What’s the biggest benefit of membership? Can they explain the purpose of the club? 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Ask your members for recruitment ideas 90003 90037 They may have an idea you have not thought of before, or know about opportunities within their own social networks. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Offer club business cards to your members 90003 90037 It’s an easy way for them to point people to your club and share more easily with their network.Tyler Matlock Wright of Fort Worth Mothers of Multiples says, «Member referrals are a big source for us. We give our members «business cards» to hand out to prospective members when they meet them. The cards have a line for the referral source so the member gets credit for referring someone new. » 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Offer an alternate meeting time to attract people with different schedules 90003 90037 Is your meeting time leaving out a whole group of people, like those with 9-5 jobs or early bedtimes? Switch up your offerings to attract more people.90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Volunteer as a group 90003 90037 You’ll get to do good as well as meeting other volunteers in your space. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Coach members on creating a welcoming experience 90003 90037 Getting potential new members to attend meetings is only half the battle! Remind current members to greet newcomers and avoid club jargon when there are visitors. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Ask members to list their membership in their professional bios 90003 90037 It gets your club name in front of more people, builds your organization’s prestige, and reminds members to talk about it.90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create an invitation email template your members can use 90003 90037 Make it easy for members to send invitations by doing most of the work for them. You could also create paper-based pamphlets or member application forms, or boiler-plate text that current members can copy-and-paste into emails or Facebook messages that they send to colleagues. 90004 90040 90118 90119 90034 90002 90036 Give members a button or pin and encourage them to wear it 90003 90037 Make sure it’s stylish so members will be more likely to wear it, and people will ask what it’s about.90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Conduct exit interviews with departing members 90003 90037 When you know why people are leaving, you can start figuring out ways to keep them 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create perks for club members who recruit new members 90003 90037 Little perks and freebies can really motivate people. Think about gift certificates, a shout-out at your next meeting, or even reserving a coveted parking space for members who bring in new blood. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create a promotional video 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Members can share it with their contacts, and you can share it on social media.90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Thank your members regularly 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 There are a few different ways you can do that. Here are just a few: 90004 90033 90034 90002 Create a video thank-you message from the leader of your organization, and publish it video on your website, your social media profiles, and your email newsletter. 90004 90040 90034 90002 Each year, make a list of all the events, services, and educational opportunities that were made possible by your membership fees.Publish the list on a separate page on your site, and link to it on a regular basis in your online content and email campaigns. 90004 90040 90034 90002 Host a yearly event to say «thank you» to your members. Consider a member brunch, picnic, pool party, or other fun gathering. 90004 90040 90034 90002 Write handwritten thank-you notes to your members. In our digital age, a personalized note is even more meaningful and memorable. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Assign especially engaged members a «recruitment role» 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 You can also hold special recruitment meetings to give these members tools and encourage them to recruit new members — or give them a few minutes in every meeting to announce their results and ask for help.90004 90040 90034 90194 One alumni association did this to great effect. Their strategy was to target a handful of classmates from each year’s graduating class via LinkedIn and enlist those individuals to recruit their contacts instead of approaching each graduate individually. By leveraging the personal relationships among classmates, the alumni association was able to grow its membership significantly. 90003 90004 90194 Among your target members, what kind of individuals would make great recruiters because of their personal / professional networks? You can grow your membership exponentially if you can find a way to enlist these members.90003 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Film member stories and testimonials 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Publish them to your website and social media so you can give prospective members a visual reminder of just how engaged your current members are. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Personally follow up with every prospect 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 This is the strategy of Sarah Rintamaki from Connecting for Kids. «When somebody signs up on our website for our event, either at that event or afterwards, I will follow up with each one of them personally and ask them if they want to join … Probably about 95% want to join after that.»90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Launch a direct mail campaign 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 If you can acquire a mailing list, or if you reach out to lapsed members, you might see success! 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Launch a telephone outreach campaign 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 The Association of Talent Development: Greater Philadelphia made a goal to reach out to all the prospective members in their contact database. They simply listed all their prospects and contacted them one by one over the phone.90004 90040 90034 90002 By the end of the year, they gained over 100 new members through this initiative. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90118 90002 90004 90031 Website Recruitment Ideas 90032 90260 90034 90002 90036 Create a club website 90003 90037 As long as your potential members are able to find you online, even a simple site can do the trick! 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Add a «Join Us» section to your website 90003 90037 People need to know you’re accepting new members and how to join you.You can also include convincing elements like testimonials from current members and the benefits of joining your organization. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Set up Google Analytics or link tracking using Goo.gl or Bit.ly 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 This will help you find out the most effective methods for getting new website traffic so you can double down on them. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Make online registration as easy as possible 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 If you include online member application forms, anyone coming across your website will be much more likely to register than if they have to mail in a paper form.90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Refine your member benefits 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Make them as clear and enticing as possible in your website copy so that prospective members can not help but be impressed. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create member-only sections on your website 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Including a section on your website that normal visitors can not see can help generate interest — they’ll come across it and wonder what more they ‘ re missing out on.90004 90040 90118 90040 90118 90029 90030 90031 Event Recruitment Ideas 90032 90328 90034 90002 90036 90036 Offer one event a year at your ‘members-only’ rate. 90037 90037 If you usually have one rate for members and another for non-members, pick one signature event and offer it to anyone at the members price. This is a great demonstration of the kind of value they will get if they do decide to join — which you should be sure to mention during said event! 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Invite guests to meetings 90003 90037 Let prospective members see what they’re getting into by inviting them to your meetings.90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create a welcome packet for guests 90003 90037 Include things like the mission, calendar, and contact information, as well as information about becoming a member. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Follow up with guests 90003 90037 Send an email or postcard, or make a phone call thanking the guest for attending, and asking if they’re considering membership. Sending out a post-event survey can also help you see what went well and what you can improve for next time.90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Sponsor a local event 90003 90037 Include your club name and logo on promotional materials, and make sure event organizers have your club information for anyone who asks. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Give a talk about your club at other organizations 90003 90037 Share your mission and activities with other civically-minded people. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Host activities for members and non-members alike 90003 90037 A group activity is an excellent way to meet new people.Something like a beach clean up or other community service projects can attract a wide range of prospective members. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Walk or build a float for town parades 90003 90037 You’ll put your club in front of the whole town — and look good doing it! 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Host seasonal meet-and-greets with a fun activity 90003 90037 Think about a fall hayride, a winter hot cocoa party, a spring nature walk, or a summer ice cream social to attract new members.90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Have a booth at a fair or festival 90003 90037 Give volunteers talking points to introduce your club to the community. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Have a meeting in a public location like a park or square 90003 90037 It draws attention and is a low-commitment way for curious potential members to check you out. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Host a guest speaker 90003 90037 Guest speakers attract non-members who share your interests. 90004 90033 90034 90002 Many associations I’ve talked to bring in new speakers on a monthly basis to keep attracting new audiences.90004 90040 90034 90002 In fact, this is the single strategy of TED — the nonprofit that spreads ideas through powerful talks of 18 minutes or less. Over the last 30 years, they’ve brought in nearly 100,000 speakers to speak on everything from beatboxing to self confidence. This has been so effective that on their YouTube channel alone they’ve already garnered over two billion views. 90004 90040 90034 90002 If you’re thinking of bringing in a speaker at your organization, but do not know where to start, we put together a simple guide that can help you out.90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Host a charitable event like a run or walk 90003 90037 You’ll raise money for a good cause, and introduce your club to new people who also support the cause. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Host a business spotlight event for local businesses 90003 90037 Local business owners will learn about each other, and about you! 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Hold diverse events to appeal to a variety of age groups 90003 90037 If all your events appeal to one group of people, mix things up by hosting an event to appeal to a different one.90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Host a free luncheon 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Never underestimate the power of free food to bring people to an event. 90004 90040 90034 90002 The Nacogdoches County Chamber held a «Taste the Chamber» free luncheon for members. All members had to do to attend was bring a non-member friend. The chamber also encouraged members to attend by giving them $ 100 if their friend ended up becoming a member too. Besides providing a delicious lunch, the chamber gave a 30 minute presentation at the end, which talked about the benefits of joining the organization.At the end of the luncheon, 50 new members signed up. On top of this, the additional membership dues of $ 12,000 more than covered the cost to provide lunch and give away the $ 100 incentives. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Host a charity fun run or cycling event 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Kelly (name changed for privacy), the Executive Director at a small cycling club held a charity cycling event in her city. During the registration process, new participants had the option of paying an additional $ 15 to become a member of the organization (a 50% discount from the club’s regular membership fee).She even beefed up the registration forms with an overview of the club and testimonials from a few current members. 90004 90040 90034 90002 By the time the event was over, not only did the club raise over $ 50,000 for a local charity, but Kelly welcomed 37 new members into the club. 90004 90040 90034 90002 If you’re not a cycling club, but want to run a similar event, it turns out that Fun Runs are the most popular way small nonprofits maximize funds, increase member participation, and minimize coordination costs.90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Host your annual conference in a new location 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Every year, the Collegiate Information and Visitor Services Association chooses a new city to host its annual conference. This allows them to advertise the event to different communities. During the event, they promote the benefits of joining the organization. This strategy helps them grow nearly 200 members a year. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Consider attendance options 90003 90037 Are your attendance requirements onerous? Experiment to see if a more flexible policy is more attractive.90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Host low commitment meet and greets at a local coffee shop 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Invite prospects to come for a coffee on you, simply to learn about your club and meet your members. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90118 90029 90030 90031 Digital Marketing Recruitment Ideas 90032 90521 90034 90002 90036 Experiment with Facebook or Google ads 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Online advertising can target demographics precisely, putting your club in front of the people who are most likely to be interested .If you’re a registered nonprofit, you can also apply for a Google Ad Grant of up to $ 10,000 yearly. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create a content marketing strategy 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Starting a podcast, creating a webinar, or writing articles that are on topics your potential members would be interested in and sharing them out can help generate more interest in your organization. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Start focusing on SEO 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of optimizing your website so that it’s more easily able to be found by Google.If you want to learn more, we have a guide here. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create a complete Membership Funnel 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Give potential members offers at every stage, from those who are just starting to learn about your organization to those who are already on the fence about joining 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create an email marketing campaign 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Once potential members have come to your website, ask them for their email in exchange for something they want (for example, if you have a beekeepers ‘association, offer them a downloadable guide on selling honey).Then, continue emailing them with ideas and tips so that they can see the value of joining your organization. 90004 90040 90034 90002 You can learn more about how to do this in our on-demand webinar. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create retargeting ads 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Ever wondered why you keep seeing ads for the same store online after you visited their website? Those are called retargeting ads, and you can set them up too for your organization! 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Send a win-back email to lapsed members 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 This can also include a discount or other incentive to rejoin.You can also ask them for feedback regarding the reasons they left, which can help reduce your churn overall. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create an online community 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Make it easy for others time find and join for free, then add other incentives to join your organization. Facebook Groups are great for this! 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Run online promotions during peak sales times 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 For example, you could host a Black Friday sale and promote it across your social media channels.90004 90040 90118 90040 90118 90029 90030 90031 Social Media Recruitment Ideas 90032 90639 90034 90002 90036 Create a LinkedIn profile for your organization 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 This is particularly good for professional associations. If your members can add you to their professional profile, your organization can more easily attract other people with similar qualifications. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create or update other social media accounts for the club 90003 90037 This will help prospective members find you, and let current members easily share about the club with their friends.90004 90033 90034 90002 «Facebook is a big source for us,» said Tyler Matlock Wright of Fort Worth Mothers of Multiples. «By using our public Facebook page and also by finding prospective members in various groups, we can reach out to them directly to recruit them.» 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Encourage members to share club activities on social media 90003 90037 Create a photo release package so that you get permission to tag them in pictures. This will ensure the photos show up in their friends ‘feeds as well.90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create social media packages for members comprised of graphics, posts, links, and resources they can share 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 This is a strategy used by CIVSA every time they plan an annual conference. People are much more likely to share out your information if you’ve given them a clear plan on how to do so. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Use emotional storytelling 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 See Rosie’s Story as an example.By the end of the week, 150 people donated to the shelter (a total of 3% of their followers) — proving just how effective condensing a story into a scannable post for Facebook can be. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90118 90029 90030 90031 Traditional Marketing Recruitment Ideas 90032 90701 90034 90002 90036 Put up flyers around town 90003 90037 Look for community bulletin boards and high traffic spots like grocery stores and coffee shops. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create an informational brochure about your club 90003 90037 Include the club’s mission and activities, as well as contact information.90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Place club materials at related businesses 90003 90037 If you’re a group of knitters, put your information at the yarn store. If you’re a bunch of sportsmen, put up a flyer at the bait and tackle shop. Think about where people who share your interests are likely to be. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Share club information with new residents 90003 90037 Do local realtors give welcome baskets when someone moves to town? Ask to include your club information. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Announce club meetings in local newsletters 90003 90037 Look for neighbourhood and special interest newsletters, whether online or on paper.90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Put all meetings on community calendars 90037 90004 90040 90118 90002 Usually you can submit your information quickly online, and get listed quickly. 90004 90746 90034 90002 90036 Submit your club information to local directories 90003 90037 Your chamber of commerce or other local groups may publish a directory — list your organization! 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Place an advertisement in the local paper 90003 90037 Paid advertising can pay off if you select publications potential members read.90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Put a PSA on the radio 90003 90037 Let the community know about your club or its events in a short radio message. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Send media releases to local outlets when your club completes a project 90003 90037 Learn to write a press release so you can attract media attention to your club. 90004 90040 90118 90029 90030 90031 Networking Recruitment Ideas 90032 90780 90034 90002 90036 Network with other clubs 90003 90037 Work together to increase your visibility.Consider hosting a club mixer to get to know each other. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Visit a Chamber of Commerce meeting 90003 90037 Connect with your local movers and shakers — some of them are looking for clubs to join, or will be willing to share your information with others. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Introduce your club to local businesses 90003 90037 Send a letter or stop by and introduce yourself. Bring along your informational brochure and club business card. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Introduce your club to local government 90003 90037 Send a letter or make an appointment to introduce yourself and share your informational materials.90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Put up a stand at a conference in your industry 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 This is what Jenna Bingener of Fort Worth Mothers of Multiples suggested: «We have also had booths as a vendor at events that potential members could be at . » 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Reach out to universities and colleges in your area 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Students may be interested in joining, or you can partner with them for events. 90004 90040 90034 90002 You may even be able to offer this as a member benefit.»We have a relationship with our local university, University of Central Florida Continuing Education, who gives educational credits for our qualified programs,» said Carol Emmett of the Greater Orlando Organization Development Network. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90118 90029 90030 90002 90841 90036 Read More: 90037 Why Your Organization Needs a Member Satisfaction Survey + 20 Questions 90844 90004 90031 Organizational Recruitment Ideas 90032 90848 90034 90002 90036 Put up a sign at your meeting place 90003 90037 It’s amazing how many people discover organizations by simply walking or driving past their sign.90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Report on your membership numbers and goal progress 90003 90037 Keep the members up to date on how recruiting is going to motivate them to help. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Consider the affordability of dues and events 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Consider if the dues and event prices are a barrier to potential members. Tiered membership or special rates may result in more interest. You can also reorganize your membership model to better reflect different membership values.90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Make sure your contact information is up to date on national and organization-wide directories 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Often these are posted and then forgotten. You may have information out there that is not correct. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Remove barriers to attendance 90003 90037 Think about what might stand in the way of joining, and try to resolve those issues. For example, you could meet near public transport, or provide childcare to members during meetings.90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create a club bumper sticker 90003 90037 Put your name out on the road! 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Consider membership tiers 90003 90037 If full membership requires too much commitment, maybe a lesser commitment (with fewer privileges, but also lower dues) would appeal to new people. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Offer a trial period for new members before they pay dues 90003 90037 If there’s no cost for trying it out, potential members may stay long enough to see how much they like your club.90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create a membership drive budget 90003 90037 Ads, events, and promotional materials all cost money. Prioritize your membership drive by budgeting for it. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Offer online registration and payment 90003 90037 Make it easy to join your club without paper forms or checks. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Give away something free to new members 90003 90037 The chance to win a prize always attracts interest. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create a structured yearly recruitment plan 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Check out the Boy Scouts of America for an example of what this could look like.90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create new programs that might entice more diverse members 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 For example, if you have a professional association, you could create a mentorship program for new employees in the space. 90004 90040 90034 90002 If your organization is more on the creative side, you could create a feedback program. The writing association I’m part of hosts a writing competition with all entries getting professional feedback, and it’s a big draw for new members.90004 90040 90034 90002 Finally, you could offer educational courses that are related to your central mission. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Make membership free 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Sarah Rintamaki of Connecting for Kids made their membership completely free or by donation. This helped membership grow over% 300 in just 3 years. 90004 90033 90034 90002 «What we did was an experiment which actually turned out to be very successful. We dropped the membership fee for families and made it free and sent out a donation campaign which said, ‘We are asking everyone to donate $ 25, but for $ 50 you can not only pay for yourself, but offer for someone else to pay for your services .’90004 90040 90034 90002 «With all the ones that we waived, we actually made more money in the donation round. ‘Hey, it’s a free membership, please join us and we’ll ask those who can give to give.’ That worked really well for us and we’re raising $ 25,000 just from that campaign. Many people are giving $ 100, $ 200, $ 500. » 90004 90040 90118 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Designate a Welcome or Membership chairperson 90003 90037 Increasing membership is a worthy effort, so appoint a team captain to head it up.90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Set a membership goal 90003 90037 A concrete goal encourages members to recruit new people, and puts everyone on the same page. 90004 90040 90034 90002 90036 Talk to other similar organizations to see how their membership efforts are going 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 For example, CIVSA hosts regular growth check-ins with regional chapters to share strategies. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Use Membership Management Software to automate your admin tasks and free up your time for member engagement and growth 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 This was the strategy from Kim Elliot of the 90841 Klamath Rental Owners Association.90844 Once she no longer had to devote so much time to managing members, she could come up with better member recruitment ideas. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Track how new members join 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 That way, you can assess the effectiveness of your membership recruiting activities. Cut ineffective ways and pour more resources into the ones that actually work. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Create better benefits and resources 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 If you can be something that people can not get anywhere else — and something that is really special — your membership will flourish.90004 90040 90034 90194 We spoke to a neighbourhood association who fit this profile. Their membership fee was only $ 15, but all events were free for both members and non-members. Membership was dwindling. 90004 90194 To address this problem, the neighbourhood association looked «outside the box» and created a membership card that gave members a 10% discount at local businesses. In the first year, the card only offered discounts to 9 businesses. In two years, the effort snowballed as 26 local businesses joined the program and membership quadrupled from 100 to 400 members.90004 90194 Though this sort of program may not be viable for all organizations, it makes a strong case for creating value for members. What can your organization do to make membership valuable to potential members? 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Look into points of friction or contention for new members 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Is it as easy as possible for new members to join? For example, if filling out a paper application and mailing it in is required, you might gain more members simply by shifting to online member application forms.90004 90040 90118 90040 90118 90002 90004 90029 90030 90031 Unconventional Member Recruitment Ideas 90032 91081 90034 90002 90036 Stop doing anything to get new members 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Instead, focus efforts entirely on your own members. Pour all your marketing resources into giving current members a better experience — and word of mouth will likely increase. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Find a «Starving Crowd» 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 Or, in other words, «find a market of people needing something and give it to them (in relation to the type of organization you are)».For example, if you’re a sailing club? You do not offer sailing lessons, you offer an exciting weekend adventure. Writing association? You offer the blueprints to becoming a bestselling author. 90004 90040 90118 90040 90034 90002 90036 Offer discounts to members only 90037 90004 90033 90034 90002 This works as an ad for membership to prospective event attendees to become members to receive the discount also. You can even include some math like «Thinking of attending 3 or more events? Become a member to save XYZ … «90004 90040 90118 90040 90118 90002 Do you have any other strategies to increase membership that you’d like to share? Or have any of these ideas worked well for you? If so, comment below and let me know! 90004.90000 • Most used social media platform 90001 90002 What is the most popular social media platform worldwide? 90003
Market leader Facebook was the first social network to surpass 1 billion registered accounts and currently sits at almost 2.5 billion monthly active users. Sixth-ranked photo-sharing app Instagram had 1 billion monthly active accounts.

90002 Social networks 90003

The leading social networks are usually available in multiple languages ​​and enable users to connect with friends or people across geographical, political or economic borders.Approximately 2 billion internet users are using social networks and these figures are still expected to grow as mobile device usage and mobile social networks increasingly gain traction.
90006 The most popular social networks usually display a high number of user accounts or strong user engagement. For example, market leader Facebook was the first social network to surpass 1 billion monthly active users, whereas recent newcomer Pinterest was the fastest independently launched site to reach 10 million unique monthly visitors.The majority of social networks with more than 100 million users originated in the United States, but European services like VK or Chinese social networks Qzone and Renren have also garnered mainstream appeal in their areas due to local context and content.
90007 90006 Social network usage by consumers is highly diverse: platforms such as Facebook or Google+ are highly focused on exchanges between friends and family and are constantly pushing interaction through features like photo or status sharing and social games.Other social networks like Tumblr or Twitter are all about rapid communication and are aptly termed microblogs. Some social networks focus on community; others highlight and display user-generated content.
90007 90006 Due to a constant presence in the lives of their users, social networks have a decidedly strong social impact. The blurring between offline and virtual life as well as the concept of digital identity and online social interactions are some of the aspects that have emerged in recent discussions.90007.

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